Speaking Engagement

Ned Gannon Speaks at Legal Innovators California

Ned Gannon Speaks at Legal Innovators California

Ned Gannon Speaks at Legal Innovators California

Jun 5, 2024

Written by

Manish Agnihotri

Ned Gannon, Coheso’s CEO, shared a presentation entitled Making In-House Legal Work More Human in the GenAI Era at the Legal Innovators California conference on June 5, 2024. After briefly examining how major technological transformations have impacted the nature of work in the past, the presentation focused on what in-house attorneys and legal operations professionals can do to best position themselves and their departments to thrive in the era of GenAI. Viewed through the lens of in-house legal intake in the form of a legal front door and work management, the presentation highlighted practical considerations and tips for leveraging GenAI in ways that empower individual employees, legal departments, and organizations as a whole.

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